Living Beyond Grief Conference
At the request of many pastors and caregivers, Roy developed a conference titled LIVING BEYOND GRIEF. As a veteran pastor and one who has firsthand knowledge of what caregiver’s and those who lose loved ones experience, Roy shares practical insight and suggestions to help and encourage caregivers and those who’ve lost loved ones. He also helps pastors, family members, church family and friends understand what caregivers and the grieving experience and how they can come alongside these folks during this traumatic time in their lives.
Session 1. LIVING WHILE GIVING – Helps Caregivers remember they are not alone. God is with them and has not forgotten them. It lets them know that biblically it’s ok to have unusual feelings and also to tell God what they are feeling. It gives practical “caregiver principles” on how to take better care of themselves, accept help from others and successfully navigate through these difficult waters.
Session 2. LIVING WHILE GRIEVING – Helps the Caregiver better understand how to face the approaching death of a loved one. This session also helps those who’ve lost loved ones come to grips with many of their feelings. It helps them better understand the stages of grief which many people pass through. It gives practical suggestions on how to live through grief, recover from it and move on with life.
Session 3. LIVING WHILE LEARNING– Helps Pastors, family members, church family and friends understand their roles in helping and encouraging Caregivers and those who’ve lost a loved one. This session gives biblical reinforcement to the church’s role in helping those who help others. It “opens eyes” to how caregivers and grievers may be helped. Q & A – Provides an opportunity for Caregivers, Pastors, church family and friends to ask questions and offer comments about: Caregiving in general, the Caregiver’s responsibilities, the Church’s responsibility, the Family’s responsibilities, etc.