
IMG_2160God’s Man – Who Is He?

There is a special opportunity available when men speak to men in a retreat setting. Men can communicate with men much better when no ladies are present.

As a veteran 16 year pastor and additional 20 plus years of working with  pastors and churches across America, Roy has a unique perspective on the trials, temptations and tragedies which Pastors and Laymen face.  In a retreat format, Roy speaks to the problems, hopes, desires and needs unique to Christian men. He uses Powerpoint and can configure his presentations into a single session or up to 4 sessions. 


Example session titles from the God’s Man – Who Is He  retreat are: 

1.  Encouragement: Who Needs It?

2.  Stand Up and Lead – How?

3.  Twice Spared (God’s miracle in bringing me back from certain death)

4.  How Can I Handle Temptation?

5.  What Happens To Me When I Sin?  


 Please click on Contact Roy  for Roy’s contact information.