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Learning To Love
After 33 years of marriage Roy’s first wife Diana died of complications from breast cancer. He has been blessed by the Lord a second time with Amy another fine Christian lady. Roy wrote a series of sermons on the family and its’ intimate husband/wife, child/parent relationships. He revised and preached those same principles in each of the 4 churches he pastored. Roy took a number of Biblical principles and relates them in practical ways during the Learning To Love Couples Retreat. The Retreat will help husbands and wives better understand each other and and meet each other’s needs. He deals with a variety of areas in a seminar type format. His desire is to provide “tools” for married couples to forge even stronger relationships. Roy uses PowerPoint for each of 3 sessions and also provides a handout of all retreat notes.
The retreat format usually consists of 1 Friday evening session and 2 Saturday morning sessions.
Please click on Contact Roy for Roy’s contact information.